Heres how to create a simple, yet elegant, log cabin.
1. Cut a 5x5 hole into a flat surface.
- 1a. Make the perimeter of this 5x5 hole cobblestone.
- 1b. Fill the rest of the hole with planks. (See image 1)
2. Now we place down the frame.
- 2a. Use logs as the corner pieces and planks as the frame.
- 2b. Cut a plank out and place a door. This will determine which way the house faces.
- 2c. Place a bed so that its head is to the left of the back of the house.
- 2d. Place a workbench to the right of the back and a chest aswell.
- 2e. Place a bookshelft at the foot of the bed. (See image 2)
3. We now continue with the frame.
- 3a. Repeat 2a one level up.
- 3b. Cut the 2 planks near the door out and place glass in their place.
- 3c. Do the same to the blocks near the workbench and chest.
- 3d. Cut out the upper back plank and place the last window. (between the WB and bed)
- 3e. Finally, place a torch above the bed. (See image 3)
4. We now begin to create the ceiling
- 4a. Place half steps ontop the logs.
- 4b. SImilarly, place stairs ontop the planks. (facing inward)
- 4c. Notice that a 3x3 hole remains in the center.
- 4d. Make a doughnut shape in the hole with half steps.
- 4e. In the center of this shape, place a glass block.
- 4f. Place, ontop of the glass block, a half step. (See iFinished work)
5. Modify it! Put your extensions into the photo gallery.
6. You're done!
Building name: Small cabin
Purpose: Living
Dimensions: 5l x 5w x 4h
Materials used: 12 wooden stairs
1 wooden pressure plate
13 wooden halfsteps
6 glass
26 planks
8 logs
1 door
16 cobblestone
1 bed
1 torch
1 chest
- This can be built of stone as well.
- MineDraft schematics for this build.